Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Global Warming Debate Essay - 1241 Words

In the controversy over whether Global Warming there is two sides in which people can choose either human caused or just Mother Nature doing her thing. Most scientists will tell you that Global Warming is mostly the cause of humans. While there are some who will disagree and say that it is just nature doing what it has done for thousands of years. For most scientists the topic of global warming is one that is caused by us humans. They have many facts data to back this up. Some examples of these facts and data are the change in CO2 levels in the atmosphere, the rapid increase in temperature, stronger storms such as hurricanes, melting ice caps, decrease in permafrost, and the Larsen A B ice shelves. These are some of the biggest†¦show more content†¦As hurricanes come over warmer waters they gain strength. Over the past 30 years the intensity of hurricanes has doubled over the past 30 years, according to multiple studies. As the temperatures of our oceans increase in tempera ture hurricanes will continue to gain strength and continuously intensify over the next few years. The increase in ocean temperatures doesn’t just affect things above the surface it also affect life underneath. As temperatures increase it directly affects the coral, by interfering with the coral’s process involved in photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis the coral and zooxanthellae wouldn’t be able to take the nitrogen waste that the coral produces and turns the sunlight into sugar, which makes up 98% of the coral’s food. When the temperatures rise the coral then reacts and split with their mutualistic algae and the coral then turns white. The process in which the coral turns white is called bleaching. Without coral reefs hundreds of thousands of marine life that rely on coral reefs will eventually die along with the reefs. In the debate of Global Warming in my opinion humans are the main cause. And some more of how this can be attributed to us is the t hawing of permafrost, and melting ice caps. Permafrost is a big example because places where permafrost can be found is also where some towns and communities are built, right on top of the permafrost. WhenShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Of Global Warming894 Words   |  4 PagesThe Debate of Global Warming Climate change is a hot-button topic in politics, conversation, and education. Both sides of the ongoing debate claim disastrous consequences. On one hand, the view of an economic focus could make the market worse. On the other, the end of life as we know it. This is a comparison essay between Al Gore s documentary a vocal advocate for global warming reform and a film made by deniers. In the film Unstoppable Solar Cycles: Rethinking Global warming. The creators expressRead MoreThe Debate On Global Warming1087 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming Argumentive Essay Both Al Gore and Daniel Botkin have different arguments on global warming. They are both think very similar on the same topic. Because one part of the argument is serious, and the other one is not so much. But, the point is that both of their stories are pointing out to their views on this issue. But, according to Webster Dictionary, Global Warming is when the increase in the world’s temperature that is to believe to increase by carbon dioxide. Both of the authorsRead MoreThe Debate On Global Warming1239 Words   |  5 Pagescontroversy concerning global warming. The controversy takes the form of public debate that centers on five issues (Mazo 30). The first issue is whether or not global warming is occurring. The second issue is whether global warming is real and extent it has occurred in the recent decades. The third question relates to the causes of global warming. The fourth question centers on the effects of global warming. The fifth question is whether any action nee ds to be taken to contain global warming. The author concursRead MoreThe Debate Over Global Warming1499 Words   |  6 PagesThe global warming debate has been at the top of the list for environmentalists increasingly over the last twenty years. The controversy of global warming is either considered due to human activity or natural causes. Although the earth’s climate and temperatures have changed, that does not mean it is humanly caused. Despite the pretense linking the association between man and global warming, which is heavily supported by consensus of scientists, eco-sensitive politicians, and the effort to restrictRead MoreThe Debate over Global Warming1406 Words   |  6 Pagesproduction of this age, our population releases environmentally harmful substances like greenhouse gases into the air every day. In recent decades’ findings, these substances have been found to trap heat in the atmosphere over time, contributing to global warming. To cut these emissions completely would bankrupt the world’s struggling, industry-dependent economy. Knowing that this isn’t a threat that will peak in our life time or even the next generation’s causes political progression to move slowly. IfRead MoreThe Debate Over Global Warming1063 Words   |  5 Pagesclimate change debate has been ongoing for nearly thirty years now, the debate is over the causation(s) of global warming. Temperatures on earth have increased approximately 2.0 °F since the early 20th century. Levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane have drastically increased within the atmosphere. Both sides within the debate surrounding global climate change can agree on these points. However; disagree on a number of other possible causations of global warming. Even though thereRead MoreEssay on The Global Warming Debate768 Words   |  4 PagesThe Global Warming Debate We are polluting the atmosphere and with an increasingly wide range of polluting substances and these are due to the fact that there are now so many people and their human activities are altering the chemical compositing of the atmosphere through the buildup of gases. By the end of this article, you will start to wonder about what this is doing to our world. What is global warming? Global warming takes place because human activitiesRead MoreUnderstanding the Global Warming Debate2393 Words   |  10 Pageschanging tides and atmospheric circulation, affects the global climate (Cunningham Cunningham, 2009, p.205). Scientific studies suggest that all these played a role in past global warming and cooling periods. At this time there is no debate that the earth is warming. However, there is serious debate over the causes, extent, and consequences of the warming (Easton, 2009, p.156). There is conflict on whether humans are causing a global warming that could be disastrous to humans and all species ofRead MoreThe Debate Over Global Warming2192 Words   |  9 PagesEveryone has their own thoughts about global warming, it’s not real or it’s too late for humans to fix the issue, the list goes on. The global warming debate would not be so heated if it didn t involve politics and it just reverted back to simple science. With many people looking to blame someone or something it’s hard for politics and science not to collide. Below i will focus on how politics are lacking in effort to stop global warming between the huge oil companies having more influence overRead MoreThe Global Warming Debate On Our World880 Words   |  4 Pagesour species and plants; Human activity is to blame. However, since 2012 Fox news has been reporting that global warming is fake and that it is not caused by human activity but rather by natural causes. Further, this global warming debate has been an ongoing battle between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. In 2012 during Obamas second run for presidency, the global warming debate went on full blast. That year Obama had announced a series of executive actions to reduce carbon pollution

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